
This document describes a typical architecture of Video-On-Demand website.

Despite django-video-transcoding affects CMS and Transcoding only, we’ll describe full video life cycle.

Video life cycle

  1. A new video file is uploaded to Sources storage. A link to this video file is added to CMS as a new video object.

  2. CMS sends a Celery task to RabbitMQ (celery task broker).

  3. Celery worker at Transcoder downloads source file from Sources storage and makes an mp4 file from it. Resulting file is uploaded to Origin, which is a robust storage for transcoded video files.

  4. After that video is marked as available for clients. Depending on CMS implementation, video is linked with some CMS media objects like “movie” or “episode”, etc… CMS now can provide a video stream link to Player

  5. Player requests a video stream from Edge (a server with large disk cache and broadband network interface), usually with HLS or MPEG-Dash protocol, widely used for VOD in Internet.

  6. In case of cache miss Edge requests video stream from Origin server.

  7. Origin extracts small chunks from mp4 file (i.e. with nginx-vod-module).

  8. Player receives next video chunk and plays it in web-browser.

Transcoding steps

  1. Django at CMS puts a celery task

  2. Celery worker at Transcoder node changes video status and process video:

    • download source file from Sources

    • transcodes it to a local temporary directory

    • upload result to Origin

  3. Celery worker changes video status and saves result metadata (filename, video characteristics and so on).

Load balancing


Transcoding video files requires lot’s of CPU power, or even GPU. ffmpeg under the hood of django-video-transcoding utilizes all CPU cores, so every physical host should launch single celery worker. When high transcoding throughput is required, new physical hosts should be added. Load balancing is done transparently as RabbitMQ clients handle messages independently.


Storing video files has some performance concerns:

  1. Video files are large, all content may not fit to a single server.

  2. Lot’s of disk IO is needed to handle multiple clients accessing different video files.

  3. Files could be damaged or disappear because of disk failures.

For now, transcoding saves each video file to every origin specified in settings. This does not solve problem #1, but is easy enough. To address a problem with very large content base following should be done:

  • Implement M:N uploading strategy: store M file replicas on N servers

  • Save origin list for video file

  • Change video stream link generation (choose one of origin where file exists and insert it to an edge link)

Serving video

Sending video to multiple clients is limited with:

  • Network bandwidth

  • Disk iops

  • CPU resources for HTTPS encryption

  • CPU resources needed to make chunks from mp4 files

  • Fault tolerance

These limitations lead to having multiple caching edge servers. Having multiple edges with disk cache is obvious enough; edge server failure is mitigated on the player side: it receives all edges list and can try each edge one-by-one.


Video-on-demand performance is a large and exciting topic; in some cases it could be addressed with simple approaches, in another lot’s of work need to be done. Despite these advices above, django-video-transcoding does not provide universal high-performance solution; it’s purpose is simplicity and extensibility.